We love carrots! Crunchy, sweet, versatile, and oh so delicious! If any veggie deserves its very own festival, it’s the beautiful carrot!
Join us on October 7 from 9am-3pm to celebrate the humble root and add your hands to the community effort that will help us harvest, wash, and store over 10,000lbs of carrots for the winter!
These carrots will fill the Winter CSA baskets, so the very carrot you harvest might then warm your cockles in the depths of winter!
If you’ve joined us before for Carrot Fest, you know that it is a day filled with smiles, music, food, and a community working together to bring in the harvest. If you haven’t joined us before, let us tell you a little bit about what makes Carrot Fest so much fun!
Communities have been coming together to bring in the harvest for thousands of years, working collectively towards the common goal of preserving food for the winter. As we have become increasingly disconnected from the act of producing our own food this has become a rare event, with the harvest left solely to the hands and machines of farms, in fields that many people never have the opportunity to see. We want to change that!
We invite you to join us in the fields to help harvest thousands of pounds of carrots, connect with the land and people that grow your food, and learn some of what it takes to tend and harvest the food that nourishes you all year long.
4th Annual Carrot Fest
When: October 7, 2023 - 9am-3pm
Where: Ottawa Farm Fresh - 2811 Ramsayville Rd.
What: A community work bee to harvest thousands of pounds of carrots!
Carrot Fest Schedule
Community Carrot Harvesting
Live Music
Various times (weather permitting)
Luna's Boutique - everyone’s favourite mobile book and treasure shop (@lunasboutiqueottawa)
Fresh cooked, organic lamb sausages and kebabs from the Sheepdog Grill
Fully-stocked Farm Store serving up all your local, organic veggies needs!
You Pick Pumpkin Patch
It promises to be an unforgettable day filled with fun and the satisfaction of knowing that we are making a difference for our community and for the environment.
Click here to add Carrot Fest to your Google Calendar, and here for a Facebook reminder