Ottawa Farm Fresh - the best Farmers' Market in Ottawa, stocking all the local organic food you could want in one place.

Our address is 2811 Ramsayville Rd.

Farm Store Hours:
Thursdays 11am - 7pm
Fridays 11am - 5pm
Saturdays 9am - 5pm

Accepted payment methods: cash (preferred), debit & credit

One Farm Store Stop & You Can Stock Up On:

  • Organic veggies (check what's in season)
  • Bekings eggs
  • Locally made baked goods (often GF and/or vegan)
  • Organic pantry staples
  • Bulk staples: grains, nuts, pasta, rice, seeds
  • Tofu & Tempeh
  • Pastured meat
  • Kimchi & sauerkraut
  • Salad dressings, sauces & dips
  • Dairy & vegan frozen treats
  • Vegetable, herb, and flower seedlings (seasonal)
  • Garden supplies & seeds (seasonal)
More being added every week!

Ottawa Farm Fresh Farm Store in Ottawa

    Three ways to enjoy the Ottawa Farm Fresh Farm Store

    1. Come to the Farm Store anytime during opening hours and stock up at the Farmer's Market

    2. Sign up for Ottawa's most flexible organic CSA!
      Learn more on our CSA FAQ page, and register online or at the Farm Store

    3. Register for our Farm Market Membership
      Our Market Membership is the most flexible way to get that Farm Fresh goodness into your kitchen! Just load up your card and shop whenever you want, and save 10% on all purchases made with your card! Learn more and the Market Membership

      Organic farmers market in Ottawa

      We ask that you do not come to the Farm outside of our opening hours, we are busy in the fields tending to all of the tasty veggies!