On-Farm Homeschooling Assistant

If you’ve ever been to the farm, you know what an integral part of the team Milo is! Our vision is that the farm is a working and living environment that is 100% child inclusive for our 8-year old son. We believe that the farm is the perfect learning environment for a child… especially for Milo.

Milo is 8 years old. He is vivacious, creative, manually inclined, and totally in love with farm life. We have trained him from an early age to be outside and to use dangerous tools in the creation and construction process. He’s got a little engineer / mad scientist streak…. Always up to some new project involving power tools and electronics and sometimes a cat. Milo also loves being part of farming projects and working with the field crew.

We realise that it’s just too much for 2 people to be raising and homeschooling a child while also running a fully operational farm and farm store.

This is where you come in!

What are we looking for?

We are looking for someone awesome to come and assist with the care and homeschooling of our son Milo. Our vision is that as time goes on, this could evolve into a farm-nature-school program with 3-5 children… but for now, let’s start simple.

Who we’re looking for

  • A fun, dynamic, passionate, playful person.
  • Someone who is familiar with and inspired by Waldorf education.
  • Someone with one or more of the following skills: Song, dance, rhythm, cycles, wilderness skills, spiritual connection to nature, arts, crafts, construction projects, electronics, gardening, mandarin, and spanish!
  • The ability to see math and science learning opportunities within every activity.
  • The ability to not infantilize children.. the ability to honor children's innate capacity for learning… Allowing children to fully participate and to face challenges and frustrations.
  • The love of being outside in all weather conditions.
  • The ability to incorporate children in farm work and food preservation projects in a meaningful manner. This includes working with the farm team in the field while also holding space for Milo as he also works with the team.


  • Starting with 1 child (Milo), then growing to include 2-4 other children between the ages of 6 and 8.
  • 3 x 4hr days per week
  • 18-20$/hr depending on experience
  • 12 months per year 
  • Could potentially be combined with part time field work as well… to be discussed.

To Apply, send Jonathan and Jolianne your CV and a cover letter at ottawafarmfresh@gmail.com

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