Like pickled onions? Try fermented onions! This is probably one of the best intro to lactofermentation recipes you'll find - easy and inexpensive to make, there's little to risk in giving it a try. Add your fermented onions to burgers, sandwiches, or salads for a bit of fermented goodness!
Lacto-Fermented Onions
500 g onions* (4-5 medium)10 g salt
1 t of spices: cumin, coriander, black pepper, fenugreek, ginger garlic, hot peppers etc.
Water if necessary
Let it stand for 15 minutes. Mix and transfer the onions to the glass jar. Press down as you go to remove the air bubbles (a fermentation pestle works very well for this!)
Add a glass weight to keep the onions submerged. If the brine does not submerge the onions, pour some water into the jar. Ferment for 10 to 14 days.