When the pandemic hit last March we knew we needed to start farming again and step up to the plate to play our role in supporting the local community through these challenging times. Little did we know that the Ottawa community would embrace us so quickly, and so completely. This support has helped us meet each day with grateful hearts, thankful for all the blessings that have been bestowed upon us.
We are grateful for this farm with fertile soil, we are grateful for the warm sun that shines down upon it, and above all, we are thankful for the community of people who have gathered together to support it.
Whether you’ve been around for the past year to watch us grow, or have just boarded this crazy veggie train, we thank you. Thank you for your visits, your kind words, your purchases, and your social media likes and shares. It has all combined to put us on a firm footing, both financially and emotionally, ready to go into this season with full hearts and strong backs. We are grateful to be on this journey with all of you and we can’t wait to share the Farm’s bounty with you.