CSA Accessibility Fund

We believe in a world where all people, of all backgrounds, have access to the very best fresh, organic vegetables full of vitality!

Over our short time in Ottawa we have donated hundreds of pounds of produce to the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard and Food Sharing Ottawa, but this year we want to do even more! We want to empower lower-income households to make their own food choices and have the opportunity to come to the Farm and select Farm Fresh veggies for their own families.

It is with this goal in mind that we are starting the Ottawa Farm Fresh CSA Accessibility Fund - a community venture to bring great food to as many families as possible!

Want to help us fill some kitchens with amazing local vegetables? Make a donation and the Farm will match it dollar for dollar. The fund will then be used to offer discounted shares to community members who apply for the program. The more money that is raised, the more subsidised CSA boxes we can offer!

Click To Donate To The Accessibility Fund


Are you interested in receiving a subsidised CSA share?
Just fill in this form and we’ll be in touch.

If you have any questions about the program, please email info@ottawafarmfresh.com

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