Let's Get Growing Together - The Ottawa Farm Fresh Gardening Series

Let's Get Growing Together - The Ottawa Farm Fresh Gardening Series

Over the next few weeks we’re going to be bringing you a wealth of growing tips and tricks straight from the farmer's mouth. Jonathan has spent decades learning his craft, and he loves nothing more than using his years of experience to help others on their growing journeys.

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The Great Farm Shop Vision

The Great Farm Shop Vision

Anyone who has come to visit the Farm will have undoubtedly noticed the behemoth of a barn that sits opposite the farm house. She’s a beauty, but boy is she in some state! This enormous agricultural building has graced the property for longer than anyone can remember, and although she’s beautiful, she needs a lot of work to keep her on her feet...or foundations.

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3 Ways CSA will Change Your Life Webinar

3 Ways CSA will Change Your Life Webinar

Who knew something so small, like changing where you pick up your veggies, could impact your life?  Join Farmer Jonathan on one of our upcoming webinars to hear how a CSA changes the way you eat, helps you enjoy the simple pleasures and makes a difference in the world. Secure your spot!

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Two Early Bird Summer CSA Bonuses

Two Early Bird Summer CSA Bonuses

Do you and your mother or mother-in-law share a love of organic veggies? Do you have a foodie friend? Do you know someone who needs to know about our Summer CSA? You DO. Awesome!

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