The sun is sinking lower in the sky, the nights are drawing in earlier, and the first frosts have begun to lay their icy fingers across the fields. Autumn has officially arrived.
This season might be drawing to a close, but we’re already planning for the next. We’re thinking about what to grow, when we need to get our seed orders in, and how many amazing people we’ll be feeding in 2023!
That’s where you come in…
This season might be drawing to a close, but we’re already planning for the next. We’re thinking about what to grow, when we need to get our seed orders in, and how many amazing people we’ll be feeding in 2023!
That’s where you come in…
2023 CSA Early Bird Registration Begins This Saturday!
What is the 2023 CSA Early Bird Special?
When you register for your 2023 CSA before October 30th you get;
* Your 2023 CSA at 2022 prices!
* A Farm Store gift card that can be used towards anything at the Farm in the 2023 season.
* Your 2023 CSA at 2022 prices!
* A Farm Store gift card that can be used towards anything at the Farm in the 2023 season.
When you register for a CSA with us you are effectively contracting us to grow your vegetables for next year. For you, this means that you are securing your Farm Fresh veggies for 2023 at the 2022 price, guaranteeing that you and your family will be swimming in fresh, locally grown organic veggies for months. For us, these early orders give us what we need to better plan for the upcoming season. When we know how many people we’ll be feeding we can grow exactly what the community needs much more efficiently, limiting waste on all fronts - financial, food, and labour.
In a time of such volatility around food access and cost, the CSA model of production gives some assurity to both you as the consumer, and us as the farmers. While none of us can see the future (how awesome would that be?!), we can plan for it, and that helps to take some of the uncertainty out of these uncertain times.
In a time of such volatility around food access and cost, the CSA model of production gives some assurity to both you as the consumer, and us as the farmers. While none of us can see the future (how awesome would that be?!), we can plan for it, and that helps to take some of the uncertainty out of these uncertain times.
Early Bird registration is open to everyone, whether you are a returning CSA member or trying it out for the first time.
Early Bird registration lasts for only a few weeks and is the best CSA deal we'll be offering. Don't miss out!